On Saturday, October 7th, 2023, the Florida Asphalt Scholarship's Sporting Clays Tournament began bright and early with 96 shooters across 24 teams. Each shooter came prepared to the podium while also contributing to the scholarship fund. This year we raised $21,760.36. Funds came from attendee's tickets, sponsorships, and raffle tickets.
V.A. Paving, Inc. - Jeremy Black, Clay Sorey, Josh Moores, Adam Mallard
The Second Place Team Shooting 359/400
V.A. Paving, Inc. - Greg Hart, Justin Hart, Al Mallard, Karl Bohne
The Third Place Team Shooting 312/400
CWR Contracting, Inc. - Bryan Waldman, Kyle Aldridge, David Weeks, Will Rainard
Top Individual Shooters
Top Male Shooter (TIE) - Clay Sorey & Josh Moores: 97/100
Top Female Shooter - Joni Bohne: 82/100
Top Youth Shooter - Maggie Bohne: 90/100
2023 FASP Sporting Clays Tournament - Fun Facts
Total number of clays used : 9,400
Total number of clays hit: 6,452 [Percent of targets hit: 68.6%]
15 out of 90 shooters hit 75 or more targets: Which is <16% of shooters
It was such a joy to get together with everyone again after the relaxing annual convention in St. Augustine, FL this past June. We look forward to seeing all of you that will be able to make it to our Florida Asphalt Expo & Conference in Orlando, FL. This Sporting Clays Fundraiser event would not be possible without our fantastic sponsors who are listed below: