2020 Florida Asphalt Digital Conference
The 2020 Flroida Digital Asphal Conference was broadcast on Decemeber 2nd, 2020. You can view the video here and download the presentations below.
0:1:40 Mark Musselman, Asphalt Contractors Association of Florida, Inc, President
0:20:00 Buzz Powell, Ph.D., P.E., NCAT, Associate Director and Auburn University Research Professor
1:05:00 Stacy L. Miller, P.E., FDOT, Assistant Secretary of Finance and Administration
1:30:30 Rich Hewitt, P.E., FDOT, State Construction Pavement Engineer
1:58:00 Howie Moseley, P.E., FDOT, State Bituminous Materials Engineer
2:34:00 James Greene, FDOT, P.E., Pavement Evaluation Engineer
2:53:00 Howie Moseley, P.E., FDOT, State Bituminous Materials Engineer